Most Pax information is completely under-utilized and results in lost sales and
profits for tour operators and other service providers that cater to tourists.
Capturing and utilizing Pax information is a potential gold mine when one realizes
that the average American enjoying an overseas vacation spends between $300 to $500
a day.
Most American traveler's spending is done without any direct guidance from a tour
operator. Therefore, the lack of involvement and under-utilization of Pax data becomes
a giant lost sales opportunity.
International travel markets provide even greater potential opportunities. For example,
Japanese outbound tourists average spending per person of $1,000 to $1,500 per day.
A major contributing factor to the greater spending per person can be attributed
to the guidance offered to the customer by professional agents regarding optional
tours and other offerings.
Common business sense dictates that increasing the amount of cross sales for any
business depends on how much business intelligence is put to use to mass customize
additional offerings for the wide range of customers available.
To do this, tour operators, hotels, or airlines must be able to integrate their
data systems into a tourism supply chain of Pax information which creates a supply
chain of steady customers for any downstream tour businesses. Technical interfacing
between these systems is only the beginning since various business process and political
hurdles need to be dealt with in order to turn this into a reality.